Montag, 2. Januar 2017

Brew Dog 5AM Saint


American Red Ale

Brew Dog 5AM Saint 0,33

"5AM is clarity condensed into a single moment. Everything laid out before you is static, but nothing is set. The road runs straight into the shimmering distance. It’s time to take that ride. Out of this order and stability comes the rush of the pack. Berry and caramel riding alongside marmalade and chocolate. Spice and toast jostle with lychee and biscuit. The needle flicks to all points of the compass. It drives you towards the horizon, towards the vanishing point. And it keeps going…"

Brew Dog 5AM Saint
Inhalt: 0,33 Liter Flasche
Alkohol: 5,0 % vol
Stammwürze: -

Brauerei: Brew Dog Ellon Aberdeenshire Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich

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