
Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

Saku Karl Friedrich

SAKU Karl Friedrich

A Simple Pale Lager With Historical Taste

Saku Karl Friedrich 0,5

"Karl Friedrich, or just Karl to his friends, is a simple pale lager with historical taste, boasting the delicious flavour of hops and the brew master’s pure spirit. It was brewed in honour of Karl Friedrich Rehbinder, the founder of Estonian beer culture and of Saku Brewery. Karl is a real beer, exactly as genuine Estonian beer used to be for centuries before modern times. There is no innovative crystal filtration or luxurious aroma bouquet, no posh hop cultivars or trendy reshness. This beer only includes barley malt, water, hops, yeast and the experience gathered by Saku brew masters over centuries.Traditional raw materials and brewing technologies create a beer that combines the bitterness of hops and the sweet hint of barley malt. A genuine and pure taste to be enjoyed by those who appreciate the charm of simplicity."

Saku Karl Friedrich
Vollbier, Lager
Inhalt: 0,5 Liter Flasche
Alkohol: 5,0 % vol
Stammwürze: -

Brauerei: Saku Õlletehase Tallinn, Estland

Bewertung: + + + +

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