
Freitag, 1. November 2013

Budweiser Bud Premier Select

BUDWEISER Bud Premier Select

Original Czech

Budweiser Bud Premier Select 0,33

"Bud Premier Select Special Beer is strong beer with an alcohol content of 7.5 %. Compared to the regular lager, there is a difference of approximately 2.5 %. Therefore consumers are required to be more experienced, responsible and mature. For that reason we have decided to recommend that the young consumers wait with this beer until they are 21, as at this age a man is physically and mentally more mature and can cope with drinking this specialty as well as appreciating and savouring it. We do believe that Bud Premier Select deserves such respect. Owing to its record-breaking 200-days long maturing period the beer is referred to as the peak of the beer alchemy. It is characterised by a rich thick fine head, darker golden colour and distinct malt flavour."

Budweiser Bud Premier Select
Inhalt: 0,33 Liter Flasche
Alkohol: 7,6 % vol
Stammwürze: -

Brauerei: Brauerei Budweiser Budvar Ceske Budejovice, Tschechien

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